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TrustMark JavaScript example

The js directory contains an example JavaScript implementation of decoding TrustMark watermarks embedded in images. It provides a minimal example of a client-side JavaScript application, would could be applied, for example, to a browser extension.


The example consists of key modules that handle image preprocessing, watermark detection, and data decoding. It supports the Q variant of the TrustMark watermarking schema.

NOTE: The TrustMark JavaScript implementation only decodes watermarked images, in contrast to the Python implementation, which can both encode and decode.


This example consists of a simple HTML file, index.html that loads two JavaScript files:

  • tm_watermark.js, the core module that handles watermark detection and decoding and defines key functions for processing images and extracting watermark data. The modelConfigs array specifies parameters such as the TrustMark model variant. As provided, the code checks for both Q and P variants.
  • tm_datalayer.js handles data decoding and schema-specific processing. It also implements error correction and interpretation of binary watermark data.

If GPU compute is available (if you're using Google Chrome, check chrome://gpu), then the code will automatically use WebGPU to process the ONNX models. If you use WebGPU it will only run in a secure context, which means on localhost or an HTTPS link. You can start a local HTTPS server by running the script and a suitable OpenSSL certificate in server.pem.

Key parameters

The desired TrustMark watermark variants for decoding are listed in the modelConfigs array at the top of tm_watermark.js for example, B, C, Q and P variants:

const modelConfigs = [
{ variantcode: 'Q', fname: 'decoder_Q', sessionVar: 'session_wmarkQ', resolution: 256, squarecrop: false },
{ variantcode: 'P', fname: 'decoder_P', sessionVar: 'session_wmarkP', resolution: 224, squarecrop: true },

Run the example

To run the example:

  1. Start a local web server; for example, using Python:
    python -m http.server 8000
  2. Open index.html in a browser to run the example.
  3. Drag and drop images (for example from the provided images directory) onto the indicated area in the web page, which will display information if the image contains a TrustMark watermark (see example below).

To use the code in your own project, simply include the two JavaScript files as usual.

Example output

For an image containing a TrustMark watermark:

[4:12:48 PM] Decoding watermark...
[4:12:48 PM] Watermark Found (BCH_5):
C2PA Assertion:
"c2pa.soft-binding": {
"alg": "com.adobe.trustmark.Q",
"blocks": [
"scope": {},
"value": "1*1101101111100111100111100101110001111100101100101111010000000"