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Manifest interface

export interface Manifest 


assertionsAssertionAccessorInterface providing access to assertions contained within this manifest
claimGeneratorstringUser Agent string identifying the software/hardware/system that created this manifest
claimGeneratorHintsRecord<string, unknown> | null
credentialsCredential[]List of Verifiable Credentials
formatstringMIME type of the asset associated with this manifest
ingredientsIngredient[]List of ingredients included within this manifest
instanceIdstringInstance ID from xmpMM:InstanceID in XMP metadata.
parentManifest | nullThe manifest this manifest is an ingredient of, if applicable
redactionsstring[]List of URIs referencing redacted assertions
signatureInfoSignatureInfo | nullSignature information (issuer, date) associated with this manifest
thumbnailThumbnail | nullThumbnail accessor, if available
titlestringHuman-readable title, generally source filename
vendorstring | nullOptional prefix added to the generated manifest label