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Selectors are convenience functions that return useful data from manifest objects. The selector functions are:

For instance, you can use selectProducer to get information on the producer of an asset as follows:

import { selectProducer } from 'c2pa';

const producer = selectProducer(manifest);

Without using a selector, finding this information requires locating the stds.schema-org.CreativeWork assertion and having familiarity with its structure. As you can see, the code is much more complicated:

function selectProducer(manifest) {
const cwAssertion = manifest.assertions.get('stds.schema-org.CreativeWork');
return => !x.hasOwnProperty('@id'));

Some selectors may involve complex, possibly asynchronous operations. For example, selectEditsAndActivity abstracts a complex operation involving multiple manifest assertions and remote resources to return a formatted list of edits and activity described within a manifest:

import { selectEditsAndActivity } from 'c2pa';

const editsAndActivity = await selectEditsAndActivity(manifest);

The result is an editsAndActivity object such as this:

icon: '',
label: 'Color adjustments',
description: 'Changed tone, saturation, etc.'
id: 'IMPORT',
icon: '',
label: 'Imported assets',
description: 'Added images, videos, etc.'
icon: '',
label: 'Size and position adjustments',
description: 'Changed size, orientation, direction, or position'